Basics Of Termite Infestation

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Termites are one of the most damaging pests that could come into our home. They attack in a subtle and can be left undetected for a long time. When left untreated, they can cause serious damage to your house structure especially the wooden foundations. They are always hungry and keep on grinding wood nonstop. Insurance companies offer compensation on damages caused by fire or burglary but they never include termite damage in their package. Here we learn the basics of termite infestations and how to control them.

Types of Termites

Subterranean termite – These types live in their underground colonies. They go above the ground through their tunnels which protect them from light. They prefer moist wood and habitat rather than the dry ones. They get inside our homes from underground.

Drywood termite – Unlike the subterranean termite, this type thrives above the ground and can be found on trees and fences. They love to eat wood and trees and can even chew across the grain which can make a tree collapse in the long run. They can come into our house from above the ground.

Formosan termite – This type likes to live in large wooden pieces inside the house. Usually, they leave the surface less damaged to be undetected while they continue to eat the inside layers. Like the subterranean termite, they infest our house from below the ground.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Termites are hard to detect since they attack us without showing themselves. You can rely on professional pest inspections if you suspect an infestation. Link here provide a high standard of service for the pest inspections that will give a best results.

Blistering on the surface of wood means that termites are feeding below it.

Hollowed or damaged wood that sounds hollow when you knock it. When you cut through it, you can also observe a honeycomb-like interior.

There is a presence of swarming or discarded termite wings with some dead ones.

Presence of mud tubes indicate termite infestation since they use these tunnels connect their colony to the food source.

Presence of termite droppings that may look like coffee grounds or sawdust.

Termite Control and Protection

Professional pest control services use efficient ways to eradicate this problem. A pest control company that specializes in these pests offers comprehensive termite inspections wide. Here are the basic treatments used for eradicating termites.

Soil Barrier – A termiticide is applied on trenches around your perimeter to form a barrier against termites.

Pre-construction – The area is applied with termiticide before construction to provide instant protection.

Wood borate – A liquid treatment is applied to wooden surfaces such as furniture, fences and framing structures.

Formulating a DIY termite treatment may seem appealing but it is best to choose professional pest control services to deal with any type of pest infestation. Not only they guarantee effectiveness, they also help keep pests out for a long time.